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Issue Date: May-2023
Series/Report no.: TD-6838;
Abstract: The outline you have provided covers the main topics related to the Discrete Fourier Trans form (DFT) and its applications. Here’s a breakdown of the sections you mentioned: Sinusoids and Exponentials: This section introduces sinusoids, exponentials, complex sinu soids, and their properties. It covers concepts such as t60 (decay time), in-phase and quadrature components, the analytic signal, positive and negative frequencies, interference, and the rela tionship between circular motion and sinusoidal motion. It may also include examples and plots created using Mathematica. The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Resulting: The DFT is described in this section as a projection of a signal onto a collection of sampled complex sinusoids obtained from the unity roots. It may cover the mathematical formulation of the DFT and its relationship to the time and frequency domains. Fourier Theorems for the DFT: This section presents various Fourier theorems specific to the DFT.The symmetry relations, the shift theorem, the convolution theorem, the correlation theorem, the power theorem, and theorems pertaining to interpolation and downsampling are some of the theorems in this group. It explores the applications of these theorems in areas such statistical signal processing, sampling rate conversion, and linear time invariant filtering. Use cases for the DFT: This section provides actual instances of FFT (Fast Fourier Trans form) analysis using MATLAB. It demonstrates the application of the Fourier theorems dis cussed earlier in understanding and analyzing spectral data. The examples may include topics like spectrum analysis, windowing, zero-padding, and interpreting the results. Overall, this outline covers the fundamental concepts and applications of the DFT, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of spectral analysis and the Fourier theorems relevant to the DFT.
Appears in Collections:M Sc Applied Maths

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