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Issue Date: May-2022
Series/Report no.: TD-6090;
Abstract: The iiObjective iiof iithis iithesis iiis iito iitalk iiabout iithe iiusage iiof iiFuzzy iiLogic iiin iipattern iirecognition. iiThereiiareiidifferentiifuzzyiiapproachesiitoiirecognizeiitheiipatterniiandiitheiistructure iiin iidata. iiThe iifuzzy iiapproach iithat iiwe iichoose iito iiprocessiithe iidata iiisiicompletely iidependsiion iitheiitypeiiofiidata. ii Pattern iireorganization iias iiwe iiknow iiinvolves iivarious iimathematical iitransforms iiso iias iito iirender iithe iipattern iior iistructure iiwith iithe iidesired iiproperties iisuch iias iithe iiidentification iiof iia iiprobabilistic iimodel iiwhich iiprovides iithe iiexplaination iiof iithe iiprocess iigenerating iithe iidata iiclarity iiseen iiand iiso iion iiand iiso iiforth. iiWith iithisiibasic iischool iiofiithought iiwe iiplunge iiinto iithe iiworldiiofiiFuzzyiiLogiciiforiitheiiprocessiiofiipatterniirecognition. ii Fuzzy iiLogic iilike iiany iiother iimathematical iifield iihas iiits iiown iiset iiof iiprinciples, iitypes, iirepresentations, iiusage iiso iion iiand iisoiiforth. iiHence iiouriijobiiprimarily iiwould iifocusiitoiiventure iithe iiways iiin iiwhich iiFuzzy iiLogic iiis iiapplied iito iipattern iirecognition iiand iiknowledge iiof iithe iiresults. iiThatiiisiiwhatiiwilliibeiisaidiiiniitopicsiitoiifollow. ii Pattern iirecognition iiis iithe iicollection iiof iiall iiapproaches iithat iiunderstand, iirepresent iiand iiprocess iithe iidata iias iisegments iiand iifeatures iiby iiusing iifuzzy iisets. iiThe iirepresentation iiand iiprocessingiidependiioniitheiiselectediifuzzyiitechniqueiiandiioniitheiiproblemiitoiibeiisolved. ii In iithe iibroadest iisense, iipattern iirecognition iiisiiany iiformiiofiiinformation iiprocessing iiforiiwhich iibothiitheiiinputiiandiioutputiiare iidifferentiikindiiofiidata, iimedicaliirecords, iiaerialiiphotos, iimarket iitrends, iilibrary iicatalogs, iigalactic iipositions, iifingerprints, iipsychological iiprofiles, iicash iiflows, iichemical iiconstituents, iidemographic iifeatures, iistock iioptions, iimilitary iidecisions.. iiMost iipattern iirecognition iitechniques iiinvolve iitreating iithe iidata iias iia iivariable iiand iiapplying iistandardiiprocessingiitechniquesiitoiiit. ii
Appears in Collections:M Sc Applied Maths

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