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Issue Date: Jun-2019
Series/Report no.: TD-4858;
Abstract: Internet of Things, this term became popular over the last few years, but its existence was discovered in the early 2000s. IOT consists of mainly two words,Internet which refers to the collection of vast global network of connected servers, computers, and mobilesusingtheinternationallyusedprotocols.WithInternetonecan send, receive,or communicate the information. Things can have different meaning example a physical object, an action or idea, situation or an activity. In IoT basically there is inter-network of the devices and physical objects.The objects can gather the data at remote locations and communicate to different units. With IoT different things such as wearable, watch, home devices can work smartly and collaborate with sensing, computing.IoT has made advancements in a number of fields such as Transport, Health Care, Smart Parking, Agriculture,Irrigation,Weathermonitoringetc. With continuous growth in the population, there has been an increase in personal and public vehicles.Easy transportation is a basic need in today’s world where time is most precious.So it is really necessary that transportation must be carried out smoothly with fast moving lives of people.Traffic congestion is a major problem leading to delay in transportation and increasing pollution. Car Parking plays a major role in traffic congestion and the parking facilities in urban cities are still unable to improve their facility.Car Parking is a regular and frustrating activity for many people in cities around the world. So due to the traffic congestion and cars waiting to park burns about one million barrels of world’s oil every day[4]. As the worldwide population continues to 5 urbanize without a well-planned,convenient parking management of the vehicle, these issues will get worse.Smart Parking could save 2, 20,000 gallons of fuel by 2030 and approx, according to a study. 3,00,000 gallons of fuel if effectively introduced by 2050[4].Other than wastage of time in searching for parking space,the environment is also affected by the emission of damaging and terrible car gases. This emission by combustion of petrol adulterates the atmosphere with CO2 and other gases.So,it has become a necessity to implement Smart parking System atleast in low air quality and densely polluted areas.Therefore in this report a Smart Parking Management system is introduced. People can search for empty parking spaces beforehand using an android application,resultinginthereductionofwaitingtime,trafficcongestion,pollutionetc.
Appears in Collections:M.E./M.Tech. Computer Engineering

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