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Authors: DIVYA
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: TD-4839;
Abstract: India is one of the most populous country in the world after China, it holds fifteenth position in the globalized market in terms of insurance premium volume (IBEF, 2017). The Insurance industry in India has a limited reach as indicated through the insurance penetration rate which was just 3.69 percent in 2017 (IBEF, 2017). In 2010, SEBI reported to IRDA that Life Insurance companies were violating the investment rules and regulations of the Securities market. ULIP, which is giving the investment opportunities to customers with single plan rules, was acceptable to SEBI. This is why there was a conflict between the regulatory authorities and IRDA has to modify the rule of investment in ULIP plan. The business of the Life insurance industry, which was rising with ULIP, showed a downfall, and the company‟s profit reduced, which led the organisations to implement the downsizing strategy. This impacted the commitment and satisfaction level of the employee. Hence it led to turnover intention in Life insurance sector. After studying the scenario of Life insurance sector after the year 2010, the question raised due to the change of guidelines of ULIP guidelines by IRDA, Attrition was the main problem arised and the employees started leaving the organisations. This further lead to the decline in the satisfaction level, organizational commitment and increased the turnover intention among the employees. Hence, after this scenario it became necessary to study about this sector. Numerous researches have in the study have cited that HRM practices have a relationship with job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention. Therefore, the study examines the relationship with job satisfaction, organizational v commitment and turnover intention. For this purpose, the study included the primary data from 409 employees top ten. The sample captured the data from only senior level and middle level employees. The analysis of the study has been conducted through Structural equation model (SEM), which explored the extent of relationship that exists between HRM practices, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention. The Life insurance industry was witnessing an increase in the employment post nationalization and banking reforms. The increase in the number of foreign collaborations increased the demand for employees both in the banking and insurance industry. According to the annual report of IRDA (2017-18), along with growth of India‟s potential market, it is estimated that the Life insurance industry will witness a high rate of growth in the coming years. However, there are many factors that can cause hindrance in growth of Life insurance organizations in India. With widening of life insurance market the trends indicate increase in the growth of the job market. The rising employment opportunities offered the employees a variety of options and they no longer relied on their present jobs. The employees have started making comparison in terms of the benefits, rewards and recognitions offered to them. This increased the importance of HRM practices adopted by the organizations. The organizations started framing new HRM practices with the motive to retain their existing employees and attracting expert individuals as their employees from the market. The companies started framing policies, rules and regulations for the employees. In addition to this, the organisations started adopting new HR strategies that can be beneficial for the employees and would motivate them to stay committed with their present organization. These vi strategies acted as the main instrument through which the HR departments in these companies competed in the market. The employees always desire certain type of benefits from the organization for which they are working. The employee‟s perception about their job determines the intention to be committed and associated with the organization for a long term. Therefore, the employment situation in the insurance industry totally relies upon the factors such as the level of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention. Further, these factors depend on the HRM practices adopted by an organization. In the study, results show that HRM practices have a direct link with job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention. In the Life insurance sector, it is required that more and more effective HRM practices should be used so that attrition rate can be controlled.
Appears in Collections:Ph.D.

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