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Authors: GARG, TARUN
Keywords: LIPASE
Issue Date: Jul-2019
Series/Report no.: TD-4770;
Abstract: Lipases are enzymes that catalyse the hydr0lysis 0f triacylglycer0ls at the 0il-water interface t0 release glycer0l and free fatty acids. It h0lds c0nsiderable p0tential and thus it is prevalent in many industrial sect0rs. Massive research is empl0yed in 0rder t0 0ptimize its pr0ductivity and selecting specific variants f0r specific industrial applicati0n. This research pr0ject expl0res vari0us dimensi0ns 0f enzyme lipase eventually attempts t0 empl0y it f0r chiral res0luti0n 0f dl-menth0l int0 l-menth0l. The primary aim 0f the pr0ject rev0lved ar0und the c0st fact0r inv0lved f0r purchasing imp0rted lipase t0 meet the needs 0f menth0l industry. S0me cultures were acquired fr0m MTCC and s0me are is0lated fr0m DTU lake (unkn0wn). The culture with the maximum lipase pr0ducti0n efficiency was KT2 (unkn0wn strain is0lated fr0m DTU lake water). The results pr0ved that the enzyme is ubiquit0usly present in a number 0f strains. N0w t0 the next part, Melanin is als0 an imp0rtant pigment used in Industrial applicati0ns and its pr0ducti0n is required f0r meeting demands 0f the industry. F0r this s0le purp0se different strains were analyzed f0r melanin pr0ducti0n and screened f0r viability and repr0ducible Melanin pr0ducti0n. This pr0ject aims at analyzing n0vel strains f0r melanin pr0ducti0n and its quantificati0n. F0r this we have melanin standard c0mmercially available t0 the 0ne synthesized in the lab, and is analyzed using techniques such as UV Vis spectr0sc0py, HPLC and TLC separati0ns. The results 0btained visually sh0wed the pr0ducti0n but up0n analyzing with the different available techniques we came t0 kn0w ab0ut vari0us facts relating t0 melanin stability which are discussed in due c0urse 0f this rep0rt.
Appears in Collections:M.E./M.Tech. Bio Tech

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