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dc.contributor.authorDAHIYA, RITU-
dc.description.abstractSoi l ccont ami nat i onci s br ought cabout by ct he humancmade sy nt het i ccsubst ancesorot her cmodi f i cat i oni nct henor mal csoi l ccondi t i on.I t ci s commonl y cbr oughtabout cby agr i cul t ur alsy nt het i cs,ci ndust r i al cexer ci ses, or ci nappr opr i at e t r ansf er cofwast e.Exampl escofv ar i ousccont ami nant s of soi l car e oi l chy dr ocar bon,ci ndust r i alwast e,pest i ci des, ci ndust r i al csol v ent s, andcot her si gni f i cant cmet al s. Any cmov ement of subst ancesct hat pr ompt scnumer ous t y pecof   soi l cpol l ut i on  ( compact i on, er osi on, cand so f or t h. ) cmayi ncar oundaboutway ccompoundt heccont ami nat i ngi mpact sci n t hat csoi lr emedi at i oncbecomespr ogr essi v el y cdi f f i cul t .Soi l cRemedi at i ondone on t hesecsoi l r el i escon t he degr eecof soi l ccont ami nat i on andct hi s cancbest becconsi der ed by checki ngct he i mpact of ccont ami nat i on on di f f er ent cpr oper t i es of csoi l . Oi l spi l l ageci nsoi l ccan happencbecause of cnumer ousr easons.Thi scr esul t si nsoi l cl ay erdev el opmentbl endedcwi t hoi l . Spi l l edcoi l i mpact scand changesct he di f f er ent pr oper t i escof soi l . Soi l wascmi xedwi t hcdi f f er entper cent agesoft wot y pesofoi li . e.Di esel coi land mot or coi l .Ther esul tofper meabi l i t y ct estdoneonsuchsoi l ccont ami nat edwi t h oi lr esul t edi nl owerper meabi l i t y cv al ueandf ormot oroi lt hecdecr easewas mor et hant hatf or cdi eselcont ami nat edcsoi l .Theef f ectof ct i mewasal so st udi edont heper meabi l i t y cofsoi lcont ami nat edcwi t hoi l .Af t erf ourday sof cont i nuousf l ow t hr ought hesampl ei twasseent hatv al ueofper meabi l i t y f ur t herdecr easedduet or easonofaccumul at i onoff i nerpar t i cl esont heupper por t i onofsampl ewhi chdecr easedt hef l owandduet ogasmol ecul esbei ng accumul at edi nt hesampl ewhi chwer emi xedi nt hewat er .en_US
Appears in Collections:M.E./M.Tech. Civil Engineering

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