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Issue Date: Jul-2014
Series/Report no.: TD NO.1530;
Abstract: Cloud computing is a way through which a user can access all types of resources from the location that is different from the location where his system presents. Basically cloud computing is a combination of grid computing, utility computing (Complete package of computer resources that can be used a s a metered service) and autonomic computing (ability to do self management). Job scheduling is one of the most necessary tasks in a cloud computing environment because cost is associated with every resource based upon the time that is used by the user. Generally such type of job scheduling algorithm that gives optimized solution in cloud computing environment. Also, the utilization of resources must be efficient, for that purpose, we have to build such type of job scheduling algorithm that does better utilization of resources. There have been various varieties of scheduling algorithm applied in a distributed computing system. By making certain changes, we can apply them in a cloud computing environment. The main goal of the job scheduling algorithm is to gain high computation and the best system throughput. In our proposed scheduling algorithm, Jobs are submitted to the virtual machine by checking the best allocation condition through which maximum no of jobs a r e e x e c u t e d and also best utilized the resources. In our algorithm, a predefined number of resource instances have been taken, but the number of jobs for execution is given by the user as an input, while considering that arrival time of all jobs are same. This algorithm is implemented in cloudsim platform with cloudletspaceshared environment in which migration of jobs between the virtual machine is not possible. In this algorithm a class is created that takes a number of jobs and their requirement of resources as input and allocate them to the virtual machine so that maximum number of jobs will be execute is our output. While at the level of host and datacenter we use timeshared environment for all virtual machines. Spaceshared environment is used according to our requirement. If there is no virtual machine is available for remaining number of jobs then appropriate message is displayed to the user and those jobs are discarded for execution.
Appears in Collections:M.E./M.Tech. Information Technology

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